Seamless Service For Yacht Owners

When you think of a yacht owner what comes to mind? Courageous, adventurous, glamorous, skilled? Whatever it is, we deliver a true representation or your sailing needs. Built upon years of experience, we’ve tweaked, fine-tuned, tried and tested, listened to feedback and made the entry into our Yacht Ownership programmes as accessible as possible. Remember your first mail, phone call, questions? We do. So, acknowledging your initial interest, we have a responsibility to deliver you the reality. Along with our sister company ‘ The Moorings’ we are part of Travelopia, one of the world’s largest collection of specialist travel brands and part of the KKR investment portfolio. This setup makes us financially stable, for peace of mind and gives us the ability to deliver the desired reality of ownership for years to come. Setting sail is the moment we all live for; the hoisting of the mainsail, the commanding of the crew, the setting course. Sharing passion, experiences, the freedom that the open seas offer, that’s the spark of the sport and nothing can match the feeling of dropping anchor and then enjoying your drink of choice whilst the sun slowly sets in the distance and you relax without a care in the world.
How can we do this? Worked into your programme of choice – Guaranteed Income or Option to Purchase – we take responsibility for the time consuming, sometimes worrying, responsibilities that come with owning a yacht. Behind the scenes, day to day and across the globe, we have a highly skilled team who will welcome you on arrival and give you an in depth yacht and chart briefing before you depart for a holiday of a lifetime aboard your highly specified yacht.
Whilst you’re out at sea you can relax in the knowledge that back at the base, we’re still on hand should you require assistance. As well as destination based teams taking care of the maintenance, there’s the dockage fees, and insurance all included. If that still doesn’t have you convinced, you have access to our owner care team who will assist in all of your planning needs and on-location assistance. Now, time flies when you’re having fun and our job is to do exactly what we promised. We’re in it for the long haul, to bring an accessible lifestyle to your busy lives keeping your next trip at the forefront of your mind, ready to make it happen. But, as with all good things, contracts, investments, even a magical evening sipping wine under the Antiguan moonlight, they do come to an end.
So what now? As mentioned we’ve got huge network, services, sister companies and experts on hand which puts Sunsail Yacht Ownership in a position to make your next decision the right one.
Trade: You’re a captain, you live for the sport and the lifestyle it represents and you want to keep living it. Trade in your yacht for a new yacht and programme with us.‘There’s no reason to stop renewing with Sunsail. Flexible and fuss-free I’ve had solo adventures, family holidays all made easy from start to finish” Yacht owner on 5th yacht with us.
Sell: If you want to sell your yacht at the end of your contract, we get to work 9 months in advance, lining up buyers and organising a seamless transition with our brokerage team.
Takeover: We’re always delighted when our programmes deliver the confidence, aspirational goals and time for a change of lifestyle. Taking on the full responsibility and ownership of a yacht is a big move, however, the 3 month phase out period allows us to ensure that your vessel is in ship shape, shimmied and safe. That’s our commitment and fundamental pillar of service and brand.
Whether you’re considering your first Yacht Ownership programme with us, looking to renew as you near the end of your contract, or are thinking about something a little different in terms of our fleet, whatever you decide, it will be the best decision you’ll ever make.
Side Panel: benefits from feature.
- Global bases committed to scheduled maintenance
- Uniformed fleet for premium performance and customer care
- Insurance and Marine Costs
- Guaranteed Income
- Option to Purchase
- 12 weeks per year
- Financial Strength and Security with Travelopia
- As a Sunsail Yacht Owner you will never pay a penny for insurance, dockage or maintenance.
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