Why is it the best time to buy your yacht?

What if this troubled period was in fact the ideal time to embark on the project that has been close to your heart for a while now?
You have repeatedly turned the subject in your head: “I only sail a few weeks a year, I do not have the time or the skills to take care of a boat and I cannot afford to leave it at the pontoon for long. I like comfort, quality of service, sailing holidays without a hitch and I like to discover new moorings and routes. “
… No doubt, you would make for a satisfied Sunsail owner!
Yes, but why start now, in the midst of a major crisis that prevents us from leaving our home? Is it really sensible?
Let’s be clear: the prices and conditions have never been more attractive, here is a summary of this unprecedented situation that should convince you to take the plunge:
1 / The combination of a production tool in the nautical industry which was running at full speed with large orders and the sudden cessation of the market linked to the health crisis allow you to benefit from the choice of models, their availability and a level of discount never seen before! The prices and conditions have never been so attractive, the hardest part will be choosing the boat!
2 / On most of our special offers, we offer a program extension which makes it possible to recover the time of use lost because of the Covid-19, while continuing to increase its investment thanks to the guaranteed rental income which is paid to you every month. Earn more and sail as much. Clever, right?
3 / To reassure you about the quality of our Brokerage network, our 50-years mastery of the second-hand market and our ability to resell your boat, we are temporarily committed to a guaranteed recovery at the end of the program.
4 / France has benefited for many years from an exclusive flat-rate VAT system at 10% instead of 20% on all units delivered in France and armed with deep-sea, applicable on leasing rents even if the boat does not leave Community waters. This extremely advantageous exception was to end on April 1, 2020 (no, this is no joke) at the urgent request of Brussels. Who, given the current situation, agrees to postpone the implementation of this change. So? Ready to pay 10% less for your boat? And also benefit from historically low rates on your financing?
5 / It is at the height of the storm that we recognise the most solid structures. The Moorings, which invented the management program on sailboats, celebrated its 50th anniversary last year, and since its marriage with Sunsail, has gone through financially trying times like the economic crisis of 2008 or Hurricane Irma and the losses and extraordinary damage he sowed. It was during these crises that our group demonstrated its strength and its concept of contractual commitment. Our owners have always received their rental income despite a very sharp drop in activity in boat rentals or immobilisation of their boat for several months for repair.
Backed today by the KKR investment fund, one of the most powerful in the world, Travelopia offers you more than ever the comfort and security of a well-kept investment.
6 / When the market picks up again (which will happen soon and hopefully as soon as possible), we will probably no longer have the boat of your desire, the prices will unfortunately have resumed their slow and inexorable rise as well as the financing rates, and at this moment you will regret not having jumped on this unique opportunity that would have made you a happy owner but above all an opportunist!
So in short, now is the time to buy at the best price!
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