Could shared Yacht Ownership be the perfect partnership?

With the Sunsail yacht ownership programme, sailing has never been easier or more cost-effective, but did you know that it is also possible to buy your boat jointly? Whether it’s a larger boat, or simply to reduce the cost of becoming a Sunsail Yacht Owner, we can tell you all about this easy way to optimise your sailing experience, which has already won over many Sunsail Owners.
At Sunsail, we are particularly generous with our sailing time, with up to twelve weeks of access to your own boat or an equivalent boat available in our worldwide fleet. Though not everyone’s work and family commitments will allow them to take full advantage of this allowance. To avoid this extraordinary advantage being underutilised, many Sunsail customers have decided to buy their perfect yacht with a friend. In addition to reducing the investment for each person, this can also be an opportunity to choose a larger model or to upgrade from a monohull to a multihull for example. In any case, with up to twelve weeks available two or even three co-owners can all enjoy many weeks on the water for just a fraction of the full Ownership cost.
All the advantages of co-ownership, WITHOUT compromise!
Co-ownership can be structured between family members such as brothers and sisters, or with neighbours or members of your local sailing club. The possibilities are endless. The purchase financials are not complicated by the presence of several co-owners in the contract. In fact, by combining income, the financial outlay is reduced, but for a few weeks use each your sailing time is not compromised. The use of the boat is shared between the co-owners, according to their wishes, and this creates total flexibility to maximise the value year-to-year. None of the traditional ownership pitfalls risks tarnishing the beautiful friendships or family harmonies you share, because, in the Yacht Ownership contracts, we cover all the costs and management responsibilities. This means there is no risk of disputes over maintenance, berthing and similar financial or time cost. Sunsail takes care of everything, so your only concern will be deciding where to sail next!
Together everything is possible…
Above and beyond the purchase formalities, there is above all the pleasure of sailing, because the many weeks of use of the boat offered in our contracts open up a world of possibilities. The group of co-owners, whether friends or family, can of course decide to sail together for all the weeks available or to sail separately. Co-owners can also rent two or three boats in the same place, at the same time, to sail as a private flotilla, thanks to the possibility of using sister ships of the equivalent value. It is also possible to imagine yourselves sailing at the same time but to different destinations, which is made possible with access to our many bases around the world. Perhaps one Owner prefers being able to take their family for a fortnight in the West Indies whilst the other for a fortnight in the Mediterranean in summer. The flexibility is yours to sail how you want. All of this can be enjoyed at no extra cost, as long as your joint sailing time requirements don’t exceed the contracted weeks available and the value of the boats booked is the same as your own.
Sharing the joy of sailing
Sunsail’s Yacht Ownership programme is therefore perfectly suited to opening up to groups of friends or families who wish to sail together… or not. It is also a very practical response to the rising cost of boat purchases, creating the possibility of accessing yachts that you may never have dreamed of alone. Several dozen boats in Sunsail’s European fleet are already co-owned and though it’s not for everybody, it can be the ideal solution for some of those limited in leisure time or budget. Some of our co-owners are even on their second or third boat bought together, confirming the validity of a solution that makes the joy of sailing anywhere in the world accessible to even more enthusiasts.
Click below to download a financial example of co-ownership
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