How often must I sail to justify becoming a Sunsail Owner?

This is one of the most common questions I am asked and the answer I think, usually comes as a surprise! The exact amount will vary from yacht to yacht, but the cost of Sunsail Ownership is nearly always 2 weeks or less a year. That’s right for the same cost as your annual two week summer holiday, you could become a Sunsail Owner and sail for as many as 12 weeks a year!
Let me give you an example for each of our programme options:
Guaranteed Income Programme – Available in most locations worldwide
You buy the yacht outright on day 1. Receive a fixed monthly income for the duration of the contract (typically 4.5 years), pay zero running costs and at the end of the contract may choose to trade in or sell the yacht demonstrating the total cost of ownership.
Example Purchase £200,000
Contract Term 4.5 Years
Guaranteed Income (9%p.a.) £81,000
Running Costs £0
Estimated Resale £110,000
Brokerage Fee (10%) £11,000
Total cost of Sunsail Ownership £20,000
Annual cost of Sunsail Ownership £4,444
Equivalent Sunsail charter days 7
Option to Purchase Programme – Available in Greece, Croatia and Thailand
You pay just 45% at the start. You don’t receive an income, pay zero running costs and the contract is slightly longer at 5.5 years. At the end of the contract you plan to take the cash buyback option. This guarantees the total cost of ownership right from the start. (There is also a purchase option if you wish to keep the yacht)
Example Purchase £200,000
Contract Term 5.5 Years
Joining Payment (45%) £90,000
Running Costs £0
Guaranteed Cash Buyback (20%) £40,000
Total cost of Sunsail Ownership £50,000
Annual cost of Sunsail Ownership £9,091
Equivalent Sunsail charter days 14
These examples can be scaled up and down the fleet dependent on the purchase price of your preferred model, but the fundamental cost to become a Sunsail Owner is the same relative to chartering that model of yacht. All Sunsail Owners have the same amount of sailing time available. This can be applied to yachts of the same value as their own. Though there are also low cost upgrade opportunities available.
It’s easy to see why we have had over 5,000 owners to date and why some are now in their 5th yacht with us! If you are chartering for 2 weeks or more a year, or you want to be, there is no more cost effective or fun option than becoming a Sunsail Owner!
Why not contact us today to find out if Sunsail Ownership is right for you?!
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